Environmental Monitoring Tender Landscape: Overview

Introduction: A recent analysis shows that a large number of cities in India are ominously ranked at the top in the list of polluted cities. This is a unhealthy development and the citizens living in these cities will face health issues as the years go by. In this background, government agencies in India have taken serious efforts to supervise the stack emission and monitor the air quality. This analysis explains the efforts taken by the government agencies in India to monitor the environment quality.
Annual Analytics: Studying the annual analytics will be helpful to assess the overall pattern of environmental monitoring tender requests across the nation. Thus, this section will start by assessing total tender issued state by state. The states with the highest number of tenders are Maharashtra with 183 and Gujarat with 128 tender releases. With 48 tenders, National Fertilizers Limited of Assam stand out among other agencies, which is followed by 46 tenders released by the Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited.. Some other noteworthy organisations are the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of Maharashtra, Forest And Environment Department (Gujarat), the North Western Rly (Rajasthan) and Surat Municipal Corporation (Gujarat) with 37, 35, 33 and 31 tender releases respectively. These tenders indicate a wide range of monitoring demands across several regions.
Stack emission monitoring tenders: Stack emission monitoring tenders specify a range of requirements for different industries.. In Gujarat, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited issued tenders for various environmental studies including air monitoring, stack emission monitoring and noise level monitoring. ePUBLISH, based in Telangana, sought funding for ambient air quality testing, stack emission monitoring and stack emission analysis among other services for a period of two years. Uttar Pradesh published two tenders through ePUBLISH and requested for stack emission monitoring, ambient noise monitoring and drinking water testing. In Himachal Pradesh, NHPC Limited issued a tender for environmental noise and stack emission monitoring of a 250 KVA DG set, estimating the project cost of Rs 29.5 thousand. In Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, Madras Fertilizers Limited sought stack emission monitoring services and ePUBLISH invited bids for stack emission monitoring services at various locations respectively, without specifying figures. Besides, in Andhra Pradesh, NTPC has issued a tender for monitoring and manufacturing of respirable dust sampling, stack emission monitoring and noise level meter at NTPC Vindhyachal. Cochin Shipyard Limited in Kerala has issued a tender for a two-year contract for stack emission monitoring and analysis of machines, and the work has been estimated at Rs 55 thousand. All these tenders highlight that there is a great need for stack emissions monitoring services across industries and locations.
Environmental monitoring tenders: Environmental monitoring tenders offers are inherently diverse in requirements across sectors and regions as it relates to both industries. Airports Authority of India floated tenders both in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh to check compliance of the wastewater act, air act, noise act, etc. ranging upto 16.68 lakhs. TNEB Limited in Tamil Nadu tendered for stack monitoring surveys and ambient air quality surveys, estimating the cost of the project as Rs 7.6 lakhs only. Environmental monitoring service was needed for a period of 2 years by Hindustan Urvarak and Rasayan Limited in Jharkhand, for it’s environmental moniitoring in ammonia-urea plant and the rough estimate for this was 78.5 lakh rupees. In Tender Notice No. CMPDI-CONTRACT/35542, Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited in Chhattisgarh issued an Invitation for hiring of services for ambient air environmental sampling, transportation and analysis for South Eastern Coal Fields Limited. Apart from this, Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, otherwise known as TNPL also invited proposals of environmental monitoring for their Unit-II plant without naming any estimate value. Chandigarh Administration issued a tender for installing an air quality monitoring, assessment, and reporting infrastructure for the detailed real-time assessment of the atmospheric pollution, climate, and environmental variations, and the estimated cost of implementation of the project is identified at 8.47 lakh rupees. These tenders reveal the emphasis government agencies make to ensure environmental compliance and monitoring across different sectors and regions..
Air quality monitoring tenders: While reviewing the air quality monitoring tenders issued by different the states and agencies, it can said that significant expenditure is incurred for air monitoring and maintenance of clean air. . Tenders range from the large-scale procurement of advanced 25 Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations as a part of Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, estimated at 49.75 Crore, to smaller essentials such as the power supply installation for some stations which is part of the work going on in Mahanadi Coalfields Limited in Lakhanpur, Odisha worth 2.8 lakhs. In the state of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (RRVUN) advertised annual contracts for continuous air quality monitoring. which was. Railways advertised tenders including stack monitoring, ambient air quality monitoring and trade effluent analysis. In addition, Ministry of Shipping’s project advertised a tender to set up four CAAQMS in Odisha, and Chandigarh Administration invited proposals from bidders to define a program for Air Quality Monitoring, Analysis, and Publication Framework.. In general, the study shows that tighter standards have been enforced by several state regulatory bodies as well as organizations. Further, it shows that there is increased consciousness as well as a greater commitment to sustainable environment across different parts of India.
Live Tender Analysis: As per the live tender data, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra has been the frontrunner as these states have issued 18% of the net tenders across the nation each. Next comes the states of Karnataka and Jharkhand as they have contributed approximately 12% of the total live tenders. Kerala emerges as a close third contender in this statistics as the country capital issued 6% of 2024’s total tenders.
Conclusion: The study clearly evokes the point that the monitoring of the environment in India requires handsome financial investment and distinctive needs. Government agencies across India are taking efforts to measure, evaluate and maintain environment quality in line with the international standards. The expert firms operating in this sector are advised to keep track of the environment monitoring opportunities advertised by the government agencies in India and participate in them.